Alex and his team undertake evangelistic HOPE crusades in Africa, seeing large numbers of people attending these events. It has been moving to see many enquirers coming forward in response to the altar calls for salvation following the gospel messages.
These enquirers are helped by the Crusade Counsellors, who complete Decision Cards in order for effective follow-up to take place.
African Hope Crusades have taken place in the following places: 1. Kasama, Zambia 2. Etomi, Ikom, Cross River State x 3 3. Umoja, Nairobi, Kenya 4. Ikom, Cross River State, Nigeria 5. Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria 6. Ogoja, Cross River State, Nigeria 7. Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya x 3 8. Obudu, Cross River State, Nigeria 9. Ugep, Cross River State, Nigeria 10. Etung Villages, Cross River State , Nigeria
Counsellors helping enquirers - Obudu Stadium
Obudo Stadium - counsellors facing enquirers as they streamed forward following the altar call for salvation
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13