People who responded to the gospel invitation in Okondi village!
Counsellors helping those who responded to the gospel invitation
Villagers who responded to the gospel invitation in the second location in Okondi.
People who responded to the gospel invitation in Etomi
Villagers in Etomi being helped by the team counsellors after responding to the gospel invitation
The English evangelist in Africa!
Children at Divine Life School - many responded to the gospel invitation
Members of the Gospel Train Team just after we arrived in a village - many responded to the gospel invitation after hearing the preaching of the cross.
The waterfall
Villagers responding to the gospel invitation
Villagers being counselled after responding to the gospel invitation
Alex with members of the Gospel Train team
Local pastors at our teaching seminar in Etomi village entitled 'Why I Use The King James Bible'. The teaching was gladly received.
Alex Bowler Evangelism Nigeria Crusade Director/Team Evangelist Ntui and his wife Juliet and their kids, Praise, Divine Life and Gospel.